In my shower I have a portable, waterproof Bluetooth speaker linked to the Pandora app on my iPhone and tuned to a comedy channel. As I’m lathering, I’m laughing. My daily exposure to great jokes and hilarious stories during my brief stand-up time makes me smile. Plus, this tiny routine not only tickles my funny bone, […]
Dare Mighty Things
You possess natural talents, gifts, abilities, and aptitudes. Thanks to this hardwiring, you gravitate to the general vicinity of your vocational and volunteer interests. Life is good, but not great. Something is missing and that “trial-and-error thing” is wearing thin. Companies invest big bucks for their leadership team to go to an off-site retreat to contemplate […]
Cultivating Your Talent
You have been gifted with natural talents, abilities, and aptitudes. These help you gravitate toward fulfilling activities vocationally or as a volunteer. Cultivating your talent is an essential part of reaching your full promise. When it comes to developing our talents and abilities, having a purpose and vision is essential. Your 2-word purpose provides direction […]
Passion and Purpose
What is the relationship of passion and purpose. This audio and text except from The On-Purpose Person brings forth a fresh understanding to modern listeners.
Why Invest in Your Purpose?
Play the video Your purpose is both deeply spiritual and profoundly practical. It serves as the missing link between the natural and the supernatural. For whatever “IT IS” that continuously exists before, during, and after our lifetime, purpose meaningfully connects us to this “something greater” concept. You may call this eternal, immeasurable presence your […]
Why I Am Frustrated for You!
Why am I so frustrated for you? Click the image below to see and listen why, or jump below the image to read the transcript. Here’s why: When it comes to purpose, where do you invest your precious time and resources to get your desired results? Have you noticed the increasing numbers of books and […]
Investing in Your Personal (and tennis) Improvement On-Purpose
When it comes to investing in your personal (or tennis play) improvement, let’s explore three differing schools of thought. One of the three is your go-to approach, perhaps even your primary life orientation for growth and development. On-Purpose®, you’ll discover, offers a superior strategy based on a bigger picture with specific actionable steps based on your purpose, vision, missions, and values (PVMV).
Loving What You’re Doing (Part 2)
Purpose, passion, and peace are the key markers to loving what you’re doing. Purpose ignites passion. Passion is practical because of its power to hold both darkness and light. Peace is the final marker of your maturity.
Are Your Loving What You’re Doing?
Yes? Being on-purpose begets being more on-purpose. You have a remarkable opportunity to reverse engineer your activity and your Purpose, Vision, Missions, and Values (PVMV) to expand this experience to further enhance other areas of your life and work. Because you’re seeing successful integration of PVMV, you know it’s possible to be highly energized, productive, […]
MaxPaul Franklin, StoryTeller
MaxPaul Franklin shares how The On-Purpose Person touched his life and work.
Focusing for Finding Success
The School of Hard Knocks is a harsh teacher. You have a choice. Remain mired in the depths of your past. Or, put to work a proven method to effectively cut through the clutter of confusion by focusing on what really matters and building from a place of deep clarity. Focusing is a crucial life skills […]
Order Precedes Focusing
A traumatic event happens with stunning impact. It’s chaotic and you know you need to find a way out or risk spiraling downward.