On page 13 in The On-Purpose Person, the Professor says, “The light switch turned on is the symbol of an On-Purpose Person. It is a reminder that we are either off- or on-purpose — nothing in between. Every time you use a light switch, think to yourself, Am I off-purpose or am I on-purpose? And then correct or congratulate yourself accordingly.” The binary choice of the light switch is a distinct illustration of the simplicity for being on-purpose.
Appreciating the relationship of Purpose, Vision, Missions, and Values (PVMV) is vital to navigating your wellbeing. Purpose answers the question Why do I exist? Purpose is ultimately a question of one’s innate reason for being in the past, present, future, and into eternity. Vision answers the question “Where am I going” and is a mental projection into a desirable, yet unreached future. Vision is our free will attempt to direct our divine source of heart-embedded light and energy, ideally in service to the common good. Vision adds a vector or directional aspect to purpose. Missions are our attempts to close the gap between purpose and vision. And values keep us ethically in check.
✓ Purpose is permanent, even if your understanding and articulation of your 2-word purpose is an iterating and refining mystery. By definition, your personal purpose is what it is — the spiritual DNA of your life gifted at birth. Its existence is the unambiguous center point of your soul radiating like the sun in all directions across the space-time continuum. You know it as the bewildered longing of your heart that explains the power alliance of purpose and vision.
✓ Vision is the act of casting oneself into the future. When we lack vision, we feel lost in the world. Something is missing. We feel useless or directionless. Yet, deep in our spirit there’s this sense of our potential to do good and to make a difference that remains frustratingly unrealized. Forecasting — regardless of whether it is tomorrow’s weather, global warming, or the economy — is at best an educated guess as opposed to a scientific fact. No one truly knows what tomorrow may bring that can alter a projected course. Therefore, Vision carries a degree of risk: “What if I’m wrong?”
For simplicity, let’s turn to a 360˚ protractor. Perfect alignment of purpose and vision will be defined as the 0˚ heading (north). By superimposing the light switch, you can assess your life as either moving toward the 0˚ (ON) or 180˚ (OFF) direction — a stark choice between heaven or hell. Take heart because any heading greater than or equal to 269˚ and less than or equal to 89˚ indicates your light switch is in the “ON” position. Whereas a bearing equal to or less than 270 and equal to or greater than 90˚ indicates the “OFF” position.

✓ Missions are the activities and actions connecting Purpose and Vision. They are rarely on course. That’s to be expected.
✓ Values are depicted by the line connecting 270˚ and 90˚. Here’s the proverbial “line” between right and wrong that gets downwardly crossed by a moral failing.
What are the lessons here?
- Don’t fall below the line. Persist and resist the gravitational pull of depravity. Here’s where a purpose joined with even an unclear yet noble vision calls us to live above the line. Without these navigational tools of PVMV, we’re an at-risk wandering generality instead of an on-task meaningful specific.
- Recognize the danger when your mission heading is on a downward path. Your purpose is pure, but your vision and values are corrupted and compromised. Recast your vision and values to be above the line.
- TOUGH SHIFT events may severely knock you off-course, but your Purpose, Vision, Missions, and Values are available navigational tools to get you back on your proper heading.
- Even in good conditions, the best navigator may zigzag across the 0˚ heading. The more you learn to use your PVMV, the more you will uneventfully stay on course.
Be On-Purpose!
PS: Are you ready to benefit your life, work, and relationships by clarifying your personal Purpose, Vision, Missions, and Values? Invest in a 90-minute one-on-one consultation with Kevin McCarthy to get your PVMV written so you can get on with being on-purpose. Book here.