Loving your 2-word purpose relies to a degree on how much you are loving yourself. If your self-worth or opinion of yourself is low, then your capacity for recognizing, accepting, and assessing your purpose is likely inhibited. Identifying oneself by misdeeds, sins, and shortcomings stunts well-being. This “glass half empty” view fosters a self-inflicted disadvantage.
Admittedly, many reasons exist for not rating your 2-word purpose a 10 out of 10. Awareness, however, of the correlation between your opinion of yourself and that of your 2-word purpose enriches its usefulness.The ONPURPOSE.me tool opens an unencumbered back door to the goodness of your heart. The result is a more instinctive 2-word purpose. Initially, the method is so simple, quick, and insightful that it can be off-putting. Embrace the process.
Thanks to the spontaneity and speed of the app, your brain’s natural inclination to take control of the process is diminished. While tapping or clicking your way to your 2-word purpose, your life’s baggage can’t keep up — that is, until the last couple of choices, when the tendency is to slow down, think more, and react less. Fortunately, by then, you’re very close to your 2-word purpose.
When you attend a Refine Your Purpose online coaching event, you’re likely to hear, “Trust what you choose. Don’t rerun the tool. Let your purpose marinate and grow in meaning.” By learning to love your 2-word purpose, you might just learn to love yourself, and vice versa.
Be On-Purpose!