Warning: Adults participating in this exercise may find it disturbing … in a healthy way to their long-term well-being. Here’s guidance to check the box most resembling your state of being.
State 1 is an adult drifting through life unaware of who they are. These adolescents masquerading as adults don’t know what they don’t know. The apparent meaninglessness of their life places them at risk of engaging in risky behavior because their actions and consequences aren’t based in reality. Worse, 1s may wear their waywardness with rebellious pride and may present as happy-go-lucky.
State 2 is an adult unaware of who they are but desperately driven to find their worth and identity through doing (hopefully good) at work, child-rearing, volunteering, etc. Their ambition and zeal for external accolades temporarily compensates for their inner emptiness. 2s are at high risk of having all they’ve produced come crashing down in a proverbial moment of climbing the ladder of success only to realize it was leaning against the wrong wall. As a result, they live nervously in trepidation of an impending fall or fear of exposure if the “real” them is revealed.
State 3 is an adult experiencing holy discontentment while actively searching to meaningfully put their purpose to work. 3s are actively searching for the right expression of who they are. Their “wandering” may come from youthfulness, recently experiencing a TOUGH SHIFT event, or being in process at the moment. Learning and curiosity accompany them. You’ll hear them say, “I want to make a difference with my life” even as they’re wandering in the wilderness searching for a place to call home.
State 4 is an on-purpose person in creation engaged in being true to who they are while being in meaningful service. Armed with a specific purpose, a vision, missions, and values, they carry an inner and upper confidence in their identity and security. External events don’t disturb their inner peace very long. 4s know how to adjust and when to stand firm. They brush off rudeness and are rarely offended. Being quick to forgive (but not forget), they’re comfortable souls walking in their shoes. Even in adversity, they find reasons for joy to themself and others.
When you know your 2-word purpose*, you likely fall into either State 3 or 4. You’ve invested the time to consider the deeper meaning of life in general, and to take the step to ponder your life specifically. The advantage you have over 1s and 2s is significant, but it doesn’t translate into a pass to prosperity. It still takes hard work, dedication, and passion — the willingness to pay the price.
You’re exceptional. The vast majority of people are 2s — contributing members to society. Good, decent people who are going to work and worship, paying their bills and taxes, and caring and providing for their families. Yet, something is missing. The older they grow, the more they’re asking questions like, “Is this all there is to life?” Or “Why do I feel like my life is in an unfulfilling rut?”
For all the power of your 2-word purpose, it needs direction via a vision, effort invested into a mission, and guidance derived from values. Staying connected to your purpose keeps you grounded in all that is good so you can better serve the common good.
Be On-Purpose!
* Clarify your 2-word purpose here at www.ONPURPOSE.me
PS: Meet The On-Purpose Pal. He depicts the differences between Purpose, Vision, Missions, and Values. Failure to have standards for key strategic statements remains a major source of confusion for both individuals and organizations. Fortunately, this little guy makes it so even a 2nd grader can get it! Purpose is your state of being. Vision is your seeing or future state. Missions are your state of doing. And Values guide you into a state of alignment with Purpose, Vision, and Missions.